Digital Asset
Management Pricing

While most digital asset management solutions do not disclose pricing upfront, we believe in transparency and you can find every detail of our pricing, right here. Of course, if you are an enterprise user in need of some consultation, our sales team is there to support you.

ProDAM is a cloud-based DAM solution, offered as a software as a solution (SAAS).

ProDAM users can choose to use the ProDAM cloud or integrate it into their own cloud. And based on the option they choose, we have put together two different pricing plans. You shouldn’t be paying for the cloud if you aren’t using it.

If you have been shopping around for a DAM solution, I am sure you must have noticed the range of prices that goes into thousands of dollars but have you tried to understand what are the factors that determine the cost of a digital asset management solution? What are you really paying for?

We have put together a quick explanation of the several factors that effect the cost of a digital asset management tool.

Key factors of DAM Pricing

A Free Digital Asset Management Tool?

If you are looking for a Free Digital asset Management Tool, ProDAM’s Free package could be your ideal place to start. Even though you get a Free Digital asset management tool, you get all the essential features and also 5GB cloud storage and it is free for life time. This is and ideal way to experience the power of ProDAM, before upgrading to a paid package.

Digital Asset Management Pricing Plans





  • 1 Users
  • 5 GB Storage
  • No Extra Storage
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Approval Invites






  • 2 Users
  • 25 GB Storage
  • No Extra Storage
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Approval Invites






  • 3 Users
  • 100 GB Storage
  • Extra Storage $0.30p/GB
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Approval Requests






  • 8 Users
  • 500 GB Storage
  • Extra Storage $0.30/GB
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Approval Requests






  • 15 Users
  • 2000 GB Storage
  • No Extra Storage
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Approval Requests


Key Factors Affecting the Cost of A Digital Asset Management Tool

While the pricing model for some enterprise digital asset management tools could require you to have an advanced degree in Math's to get to the final number, there are some basic, consistent factors that are considered in determining the cost of any DAM solution. Here are some of the most common ones that you should be aware of -

Beyond the basic features, digital asset management tools today offer a host of additional features - be it in terms of additional security measures, to certain inbuilt image editing capabilities. Chances are, if you are a relatively close-knit team of 10-15 people, you will rarely ever use any of these but these features keep adding to the cost.

A solid, no-frills, digital asset management tool should still provide you with all the required features to Organise, Collaborate, and Distribute your digital assets, without having to pay a price premium. Yes, with ProDAM, we also provide you a super intuitive built-in approval and feedback mechanism.

The more users you have, the more will be the cost. Simple as that.

At ProDAM, our free option offers 1 user while the paid packages start with 2 users and based on the number of users you need, you can always opt for higher packages.

Data storage is a key pricing component for any Digital Asset Management solution. The more storage you need, the more will be the cost. As you will be storing all your digital assets on this platform, storage is an important component and you should not be cutting corners with this. With cloud storage becoming cheaper by the day, the impact of this cost factor is relatively low.

Data storage also works as a retention strategy for most DAM solution providers. Surprised? Let us explain. Once you store all your digital assets on a DAM cloud, downloading them all and again re-uploading them into a new digital asset management tool becomes extremely difficult. This works as a retention factor and clients tend to stick back even if they are not completely happy with the solution.

At ProDAM, we believe in transparency and fair business. We not only provide support to migrate into our platform, but we also provide seamless integration with Amazon S3 Cloud and Dropbox, where you can keep your files on your cloud and still use our solution, eliminating the need for moving your files from one cloud to another.


Free Digital Asset Management Tool?

Yes, if you are looking for a free digital asset management tool you can opt for open source one. There are a few. However, free open-source digital asset management tools almost always fall short in terms of the required features. Also, with open-source code, the security risks are very high as the code is available for everyone to see and find possible exploits. If you plan to put up all your digital assets on a platform, you definitely don’t want to take any risk with it.

With our free-tier, you can always start using an enterprise-grade digital asset management tool for free.